I updated this blog to Bootstrap v4. Not noticed? It took about thirty minutes mostly due to the menubar and interruptions. On this site the only visible differences are the font sizes and colours.
I recently needed to upgrade Yarn and Brew told me to run brew yarn upgrade however that failed in the past so I moved on. Today though I decided to fix the issue. A brew update on my newly upgrade High Sierra mac left me with
A year ago I was using Vagrant as my preferred way to develop on my mac as it
meant that my development environment matched the target linux deployment and it
mostly just worked and kept my mac mostly clean from alien toolchains. My view
has changed over the past six months of using Docker - I can develop using a Docker
container. Two examples are a Jekyll container to write up this post and a
nodeschool one for Node.js tutorials without installing Jekyll and its ruby runtime
and the whole node and npm shebang.